The "before" photo

The "in progress" photo
Wow, did this take me a while to do. Mostly throwing out garbage. I'm not done with this area yet. My goal is to buy some more of those blue 40L containers and put all the "loose" stuff into them. I originally bought the blue containers you see in the photo about 5 years ago and I can't find them anymore. I found something similar but they're about $8 each (before taxes) and I'm willing to pay no more than $5 (before tax). So, the hunt continues. All told, I don't want to spend more than $50 on containers.
Ready for some more photos?

The 'before' photo

The "in progress" photo
We can now walk over to the washer and dryer to do laundry. Again, there's still more to do here. I need to purge a little more. My basement is so drab and dreary I'm not sure if there's anything I can do to make it more aesthetically pleasing. The walls are concrete which makes it virtually impossible to drill into. There are also many pipes above the washer/dryer so I can't really work around them. Do you see that storage box behind the washer? I bought that about 10 years ago to install above the washer and dryer to hold items. Unfortunately, it has a 48" depth and my basement ceiling is so low that it won't fit. I don't know whether I should get rid of it or keep it to use elsewhere.
More photos to come in a later post....
Thanks for the comment on my blog.
And I hear ya about basements that need to be organized! We are thinking to move this summer so it is time for me to organize and sort the basement. There are still a few boxes that I have not unpacked from when we moved in 10 yrs ago! My sister holds a big yard sale in May so I have to get crackin!
Thanks for the motivation - now to find the time :)
Kim: I've thought about moving as well and realized that I'd better get it cleared up now so I'm not panicking later. There's no better motivator than an upcoming sale to get you moving. My problem is that I'd put stuff in boxes to give away then forget about the box and it remains in my basement!! Good luck.
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