Monday - Spaghetti with meat balls and garlic bread (not sure what sauce I'll use yet)
Tuesday - 50's Style Meatloaf with mashed potatoes and corns
Wednesday - Chicken wings with white rice and green peas
Thursday - Salmon cakes with baked fries and tartar sauce (old recipe from Parent Magazine)
Friday - Pizza Friday (as usual)
Saturday - Burritos (as usual)
Sunday - Honey Soy Porkchops, Chinese Ramen Noodles and Broccoli
Notes: We have a potluck at the karate dojo on Saturday. I'll be making black bean and couscous salad that everyone loves - I always get a recipe request. I think I'll also make popcorn balls for the kids. I add a box of cherry jello for colour and flavouring. I find it tastes just like the expensive flavoured popcorn you buy at Kernels.
Recap of Last Week's Menu: I made the baked chicken with acorn squash for the potluck at my church. There was lots of main dishes there and I was pretty much the only one who brought home a single piece of chicken (and that was it!!!). I made a huge batch and it went right away. Everyone loved the squash - it was a big hit!! I also bought some President's Choice Kobe Beef Frozen meatballs not expecting too much but the girls loved them. I have some leftovers that we'll eat this week.