Money's also tight this week and probably will be for a while. How does anyone budget for less than $100 a week? I also notice that food's a lot more expensive in Canada. I shop at the least expensive of all supermarkets - it doesn't get any cheaper. Even so, as an example, a small bag of flour is $6. I was shocked to see on a recent visit to the Carolinas, Ramen noodles at 9 cents a package! On sale I'm lucky to get them for 33 cents a package. It's also more difficult to find coupons here. People just don't use them as much. I'll have to think of something less expensive to eat this week that my kids will actually like. It won't be easy...
Here goes:
Monday - breaded chicken cutlets/mashed potatoes/broccoli (from the freezer)
Tuesday - Italian Chicken Skillet/garlic bread
Wednesday - Tuna turnovers/salad (a variation of salmon turnovers compliments of The Happy Housewife)
Thursday - BBQ burgers/fries (buns and fries are in the freezer)
Friday - homemade cheese pizza (dough in freezer)
Saturday - burrito Saturdays (halloween)
Sunday - Whole chicken or (Mimi's sticky chicken), rice and veg. - compliments of The Recipe Mission
A recap of the past week:
Crockpot orange chicken - Although I enjoyed it and so did my hubby, the girls weren't too keen on it. I don't think I'll be making it again. I think it was fine but they're ever so picky and it's just not worth the effort if everyone isn't going to eat the same meal.